Surojit Sen Gupta - Novel Insights

ISSN: 3048-6572
DOI Prefix: 10.69655

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Volume-I, Issue-II, November, 2024
Novel Insights
A Peer-Reviewed Quarterly Multidisciplinary Research Journal
Volume-I, Issue-II, November, 2024
Conflict and Conflict Resolution for Peace in Tripura: An Overview
Dr. Surojit Sen Gupta, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Maharaja Bir Bikram College, Agartala, Tripura
Received: 29.10.2024
Accepted: 22.11.2024
Published Online: 30.11.2024
Page No: 106-111
DOI: 10.69655/novelinsights.vol.1.issue.02W.011
Human history is the history of struggle for power and resources and human society has been encountering conflict since time immemorial. Human society is a complex organization with a web like inter-relationships among individuals, and each of them is unique in their own way. So there is proportionately high chance of friction and conflict. Therefore, conflict emerges as a result of clash of interest among various diverse groups. Conflict in the society takes place due to several causes namely community identity, struggle for power and resources, race, ethnicity, religion, language etc., which have been playing a crucial role in cultivating conflict and dividing society into different warring groups. Society without conflict is just an imagination because it is a heterogeneous group and is prone to conflict. Therefore, it is very difficult, to analyses conditions to identify all the possible causes of conflict accurately as conflict is natural where various groups make their demands which play a sporadic role in disintegrating the society (Sen Gupta, 2007). In this back drop the present paper examines conflict and conflict resolution for peace in Tripura.

Keywords: Conflict , Society , Peace, Tripura, Violence.

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Novel Insights
A Peer-Reviewed Quarterly Multidisciplinary Research Journal
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