Sovan Ghosal - Novel Insights

ISSN: 3048-6572
DOI Prefix: 10.69655

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Volume-I, Issue-II, November, 2024
Novel Insights
A Peer-Reviewed Quarterly Multidisciplinary Research Journal
Volume-I, Issue-II, November, 2024
Growth of Agricultural Labour in Bankura District: Colonial Experiences
Sovan Ghosal, Research Scholar, Department of History, The University of Burdwan, West Bengal, India
Received: 05.11.2024
Accepted: 25.11.2024
Published Online: 30.11.2024
Page No: 95-105
DOI: 10.69655/novelinsights.vol.1.issue.02W.010
The colonial land revenue policies implemented by the British in India fundamentally transformed traditional agrarian structures, leading to widespread landlessness and the emergence of a class of agricultural labourers. These changes effectively destabilised existing land tenure systems that had been in place for generations. In regions like Bankura district in West Bengal, the repercussions of these policies were particularly pronounced. Bankura, often classified as a backward district, experienced significant socio-economic upheavals due to the imposition of exploitative revenue systems. Moreover, the agrarian distress and the frustrations arising from the colonial land revenue systems led to considerable unrest in Bankura. The issue of landlessness and the emergence of agricultural labour in the Bankura district is discussed in this article.

Keywords: Agricultural Labour, Bankura, Landlessness, Tribal, village community.

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Novel Insights
A Peer-Reviewed Quarterly Multidisciplinary Research Journal
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