Sabyasachi Roy - Novel Insights

ISSN: 3048-6572
DOI Prefix: 10.69655

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Volume-I, Issue-I, August, 2024
Novel Insights
A Peer-Reviewed Quarterly Multidisciplinary Research Journal
Volume-I, Issue-I, August, 2024
Understandably, the ‘barbed-wire wound’ has not yet cured!
Dr. Sabyasachi Roy
Received: 09.04.2024
Accepted: 15.08.2024
Published Online: 31.08.2024
Page No: 74-78
DOI: 10.69655/novelinsight.vol.1.issue.01W.007
Seventy-seven years have elapsed since the Sylhet referendum (July 6 & 7, 1947). The part of Sylhet that was scissored during the partition and the Bengalis who came from the other side are still carrying the deep wound of the curse of that partition, compromising with the marginalization. Moreover, the Bengalis of the state are facing a special identity crisis as a result of the nationwide skepticism about the status of Bengalis in Assam. Following the Sylhet referendum, the curse of the Sylhet bifurcation, that is, the second partition of Sylhet is still haunting them.
The article attempts to illustrate a chronological analysis of the context and consequences of this century-long language tussle leading to persistent racial conflict and the other consequences relating to identity and citizenship.
Keywords: Sylhet referendum, Partition, Bengalis, identity crisis.

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Novel Insights
A Peer-Reviewed Quarterly Multidisciplinary Research Journal
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