Publication Charge - Novel Insights

ISSN: 3048-6572
DOI Prefix: 10.69655

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Novel Insights
A Peer-Reviewed Quarterly Multidisciplinary Research Journal
Publication Charge
• The authors should note that there is no submission fee; however, there is a reasonable publication fee for each accepted article to meet the cost of manuscript handling, typesetting, office cum admin expenses, web-hosting charges, up-loading charges, internet expenses, website update and maintenance, electronic archiving and other recurring expenses. The publication fee is obligatory for publication.
Indian Authors: The publication fee for single author per accepted paper is Rs. 1200.00 and Rs. 1500.00 for multiple authors.
Foreign Authors: The publication fee of the accepted paper is $50 for single authored paper and $65 for multiple authored papers
Print copy: Print Copy of the issue can be supplied on payment of Rs. 600.00 per copy. Annual subscription for the print copy is Rs. 2500.00 per Volume (inclusive of postal charges within India)
  • Single print copy (Inclusive Postal Charge) can be supplied outside India on payment of  50$ (inclusive international shipping charge) per copy.
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Novel Insights
A Peer-Reviewed Quarterly Multidisciplinary Research Journal
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