Publication Ethics - Novel Insights

ISSN: 3048-6572
DOI Prefix: 10.69655

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Novel Insights
A Peer-Reviewed Quarterly Multidisciplinary Research Journal
Publication Ethics
Publication ethics are the principles and guidelines that govern the conduct of authors, reviewers, editors, and publishers in scholarly publishing. Ensuring ethical practices is crucial for maintaining the integrity and credibility of academic research. Here are some key aspects of publication ethics of our journal:
Authorship: All authors should have made significant contributions to the research and agree to be listed as authors. Misrepresentation of authorship, such as ghost authorship or gift authorship, should be avoided.
Originality and Plagiarism: Authors should ensure that their work is original and properly cited. Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, is unethical and undermines the integrity of scholarly publishing.
Data Integrity: Authors are responsible for the accuracy and integrity of their research data. Fabrication, falsification, and manipulation of data are serious ethical violations.
Conflict of Interest: Authors should disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence their research or its interpretation. These may include financial interests, affiliations, or personal relationships that could bias the work.
Peer Review: Peer review plays a critical role in ensuring the quality and validity of published research. Reviewers should conduct their evaluations objectively and provide constructive feedback.
Editorial Independence: Editors should make decisions based on the merits of the research and without influence from commercial interests, personal biases, or other undue pressures.
Transparency and Retraction: Journals should be transparent about their editorial processes, including peer review and publication criteria. In cases of serious ethical concerns or errors, journals should issue retractions or corrections as appropriate.
Compliance with Ethical Standards: Research involving human subjects, animals, or sensitive data should adhere to ethical standards and obtain necessary approvals from institutional review boards or ethics committees.
Publication Ethics Policies: Journals should have clear and accessible policies on publication ethics, including instructions for authors, ethical guidelines for reviewers and editors, and procedures for handling ethical issues or misconduct.
Responsibility of Publishers: Publishers have a responsibility to support and enforce ethical standards in scholarly publishing. This includes providing resources for editors and reviewers, promoting transparency, and addressing allegations of misconduct.
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Novel Insights
A Peer-Reviewed Quarterly Multidisciplinary Research Journal
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